The site now has it’s own store! Bandcamp has been my main hub for so many years but I’m glad to have a new home base. I do appreciate the social and collection aspects of Bandcamp and will be keeping everything available there as well. Although I do feel a bit nervous about it being under Epic Games ownership, hopefully it’ll be sticking around with the same spirit. Either way, everything is now available here, including stickers and possibly some buttons soonish.
December 2022
Newly Old Music – The Unfamished Collection
The Unfamished Collection is up! 24 albums of demos and incomplete music from 2002-2020. All of the albums are currently available as both individual downloads ($1 each) as well as a single download of all albums ($10). It comes in about 7hrs and represents just about everything I’ve ever really invested time into recording that I don’t plan on completing or releasing in some other capacity. Some short albums, some larger, some sketches, some almost finished. As much as I never intended to publicly release almost any of it at the time, it feels even stranger hoarding all this music now.