The next track is now mixable. Channel instruments are now represented by icons but you can mouse over them to read the names like before. It’s a little easier to understand now. Watch for the lava pit… if you want to.
Posts Tagged ‘app’
The Wave Mixer – “Outage With Candles” Is Live / See You Tonight!
It has begun! The first track from The Wave is now available in MIXER FORMAT! You can change volume, panning and chip/live blend on the fly – even solo, mute, scrub and stuff too! I’ll be adding more features as time goes on and updating old songs as new ones are released and bugs are fixed. GO PLAY NOW!
Also, tonight is the release of Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 2! I have a new track on here so head over to at 8pm eastern for a listening party and chat.
ChipWIN Compilation Release
Nothing like a new release to spark the gusto for finishing this mixer. On Monday there will be a listening party for the release of the new Chiptunes = WIN compilation at 8bitx. You can tune in at 8 Eastern and even do some chatting – I’ll be there for sure. There’s a facebook event for it here. I’ll be releasing the first song – Outage With Candles – for the mixer on Monday as well. The comments section will be left open for any bug reporting. I’m thinking there will be weekly releases of the following songs so any early reported bugs will get fixed up before the next release.